SIRI SHAYA has registered office at Bangkok, Thailand under the Nine Bijou Co., Ltd. The company registration number is 0105566008339. The platform are owned and edited by Nine Bijou Co., Ltd.

The terms ‘SIRI SHAYA’ or ‘Nine Bijou’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ or ‘the website’ refers to the owner of the website whose registered office above. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website.

This Privacy and Cookies Policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information when you use our website. By using our website, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as described in this policy.


The purpose of collecting personal data are for the following purposes:

  • To be used in online marketing and advertising activities.
  • To be used in analyzing website visitor data and market research.
  • To verify website users who need to access the website’s system.
  • To be used as data for delivering goods.
  • To be used as contact information for communicating with website users.
  • To verify and maintain the security of the website system.
  • To be used in the development of the website and to provide personalized experiences for website visitors.

The collected data may includes:

  • Name and surname of website users.
  • Email address of website users.
  • Login information for the website, including user-generated usernames or automatically generated usernames, and user-generated passwords.
  • Address of website users.
  • Phone number of website users.
  • Date of birth of website users.
  • Computer traffic data of website visitors used for analysis and customization of the website’s security system.

We uses cookies for the operational purposes of the website, personal data stored by third parties, we uses software and services from third parties to enhance the website’s performance. The services used by the website include:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Pixel/Conversion API
  • LINE Tag
  • Google Maps Embedded

In cases where there are links to third-party platforms, such as advertising networks, social media platforms, and other external website service providers, certain types of cookies and computer traffic data may be managed by third parties. Therefore, we recommend that website visitors review and understand the additional Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy of these third parties.

Rights of personal data owners:

Website users have the right to request the deletion of their registered data. To request data deletion, you can contact us through the contact channels provided in this policy. Website visitors can also reject the use of cookies through the cookie consent notification on the website. Furthermore, website visitors can delete all cookies from the web browser they use by following the instructions provided by the browser developer.

Security of personal data:

we places great importance on the privacy of your personal data and will implement effective measures to protect your data from unauthorized access and improper use. We will utilize new technologies and establish various policies to ensure the security of your personal data. These measures will be continuously improved as we develop the website to provide enhanced protection for your personal data.

Please note that we cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites that may be linked to our website. Therefore, we recommend that you review the privacy policies and practices regarding the protection of personal data of the websites you visit before and after visiting our website through the provided links.

However, we cannot control or be held responsible for the use of personal data by external individuals or organizations that are not under our control. It is advisable to study the privacy policies and practices regarding the protection of personal data of the websites you visit before and after visiting our website through the provided links.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on a visitor’s computer when they access a website. Each time a visitor enters any page of the website, the information in the cookie is sent back to the website system for processing or forwarded to other websites that support the functionality of that cookie.

Cookies have the benefit of helping website systems remember a visitor’s device in order to provide a more personalized experience. They can tailor the website experience to each device, remember user preferences, and enhance the user experience.

Furthermore, cookies can perform various functions, such as providing visitors with a more suitable browsing experience on the website for each device, remembering visitor preferences, and improving the user experience of the website.

In addition, the cookies used on the website can be categorized as follows:

Necessary Cookies:

These cookies are essential for visitors to use and access various functions on our website. They enable visitors to securely access information and use the website. Without these cookies, the website would not function properly, and visitors would not be able to use certain services on the website.

Usage Data Cookies:

These cookies are part of the necessary cookies for the operation of the website. They are used to remember website visitors and their settings based on the usage characteristics of the visitors. These cookies enhance convenience when visitors return to use the website again, such as remembering usernames and customizing settings based on the visitors’ website usage.

Statistical Analysis and Usage Tracking Cookies:

These cookies are used to analyze the operations of the website, enabling the website system to understand the interests of website visitors. They include counting the number of visitors, tracking the pages visited by website visitors, and analyzing visitor interests and browsing behavior. The website utilizes this data to improve the website’s performance and meet the needs of visitors, providing them with an enhanced browsing experience.

Online Marketing Cookies:

These cookies are used to collect website usage data and the links accessed or visited by visitors to understand the interests and browsing behavior of website visitors. They are used to present relevant offers, advertisements, and promotions that align with the interests of website visitors.

Cookie Settings and Opt-Out:

Website visitors have the option to reject cookie operations according to their preferences. This can be done by configuring the web browser or the privacy settings of the website visitor’s device. However, by rejecting all cookies, website visitors may not be able to use certain functions on the website, and their browsing experience may be affected.

In addition to configuring privacy settings on devices or web browsers, website visitors can also reject cookies through the notification pop-ups on the website. However, if website visitors reject the use of all cookies, they may not be able to use certain functions on the website, and their browsing experience may be less optimal.

Terms of Website Service:

By using the website, website visitors acknowledge that the website utilizes various types of cookies for the purposes stated above. The website system may collect, use, or disclose personal information of website visitors as part of the aforementioned cookies for the purposes specified in the privacy policy, which can be accessed separately. Website visitors agree to the use of cookies as described in the cookie policy and privacy policy of SIRI SHAYA.

If you have any suggestions or inquiries regarding the collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal information, including requests to exercise your rights under this policy, you may contact us via this link

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